Little Grizzlies After School Program
Click here to register online for the Little Grizzlies program.
If you do not have internet access, please call 666-5221 X5201 to Dee Ann Sandberg for a paper copy or let the front office know to send one home with your child.
Welcome to the Little Grizzlies After School Program!
Our goal is to provide an enriching and safe place for children who need to remain at school for a little extra time.
- The Program is available for North Woods enrolled students from Learning Readiness to 6th Grade.
- Your student can be scheduled any day or days throughout the school year that you would need the Program. For the safety of your child, please let us know by 1:00 each day if there is a rare change to their schedule. Also, knowing each Friday afternoon what days your child will attend the next week, ensures we have enough staff on duty.
- The Program is available after school until 6 pm Monday - Thursday. You can pick up your child(ren) anytime leading up to 6 pm.
- Late fees are charged for late pick-ups after 6:05 pm and also for late payments. See all expectations on the registration form.
- An online registration form MUST be completed and submitted or a paper copy returned to the program staff/supervisor prior to the student attending the Program
- Communicate with Little Grizzlies Staff at least 24 hours in advance the day or days your student will attend each week.
- Please be sure to let your child’s teacher know the schedule as well. Otherwise, your student may be sent home on the bus or if we feel it is safest to keep them at Little Grizzlies, we will do that to ensure they have supervision.
- Please communicate any information to the Program staff. (Pick up, scheduling, payments, health concerns, etc).
**Please notify the school office, classroom teacher, and Michelle Plath or Dee Ann Sandberg regarding any changes to your child's after-school plans.
If your student takes ill, please communicate this with Program staff.
- The fee is $6 per day per student. Family discount of $5 per additional child attending. Payment is due by the Mondays for the previous week.
An authorized adult must come in to pick up and sign out student.
Program Supervisor: Dee Ann Sandberg 218-666-5221 ext. 5201
Program worker: VARIES from day today.
Staff: Michelle Plath, Supervisor; Jenny Prepodnik and Jolene Wilson, Adult Aides
Forms can be found outside the North Woods Library in the magazine rack. Little Grizzlies Registration form can also be found in the Community Education forms tab for you to download and print.